First Day in New Zealand
Hey guys. We are safely in Auckland. Today, we bought a car. Its a 1996 Subaru Legacy, a pretty nice car. It went of about 4,000 NZD, or 2600? Its perfect for what we need, 4wd, lots of space. As soon as we bought it, we drove up to Whangerei, a 2 hour drive from Auckland. The entire drive was amazing. The tree combinations are incredible. It looks like a mix between the rainforest in South America, the Serengeti in Africa, and the Pacific Northwest in the U.S. When we got to the ocean, this was what we saw. A completely pristine beach, nobody around. The weather is still a little chilly, so swimming was not an option, but hiking around and drinking some wine was good enough. Well thats it for today, we just got back and need some sleep, because tomorrow we are heading to Rotorua, the Volcanic Area, which is 2 or 3 hours to the south east. After that, we are going to hopefully push on all the way down to the South Island and possibly Snowboard before the season is over.
need more pics..and next time stand in the light.
There are a lot of webcams in New Zealand.
How's the new car?
Keep it rollin' G
Looks like you should have a blasty blast out there sunshine. new email address is I check that daily, and rarely check my hotmail account. Make sure to send me your address. Since I was a bit ratty before you left I'll mail you out the CD. Keep in touch...skittle rip tat
Yooooo! Not sure if you meant for me to get this link, but nevertheless i'm checking it out! looks like you are having a beautiful blast! beats oregon! send my best to jake and tear apart some gnarly waves!
be good
audrey k
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