Friday, September 22, 2006


So we are in Rotorua...This place is pretty sick. There is a huge lake with a little island in the middle, basically an old caldera. The surrounding terrain is dominated by little geysers and thermal areas. Every lodge and hostel in town boasts about mineral pools and springs...Its a lot like Yellowstone. There is also a Redwood forest just to the east of town. There are 70 km of single track biking trails, which are sick!! (i will get pics on here). Jake and I rode a trail called "Hot Cross Buns". It required about a 4 km walk straight up this mountain side, with our bikes...We were ready to ditch out when the rains hit, but we figured fuck it, we'd come this far, lets see this damn thing. The trail starts at the very top of this plateau with a view to both sides. Its the hardest trail I've ever ridden. I was getting like 4-6 feet of air on jumps, there were burms that dropped off 3 feet, extremely technical sections where you were winding at like 90 degrees, through trees! I almost took a nasty fall, but all in all just came out sore, thirsty, hungry, and extreeeeeemly pissed...why you ask? Well, at the trail's bottom, a New Zealand fellow was asking people if "anyone was with an american lad, shes hysterical at the bottom of the hill over a theft". I asked what the hell had happened and he said "basically, everythings been stolen". This meant 80% of my clothes, some toiletries, a Mountain Hardwear winter jacket, books, dvds...Awesome. I am drinking wine right now to drown my sorrows, but it stings...The car window is fixed and still runs fine, but I want to strangle a Maori. The cop said that they had it narrowed down to about 100-200 possible people in town, so there is a chance that the clothes could turn up. I guess the locals always do this in Rotorua, cruising tourist hot spots, looking for valuables and making quick heists. Anyway, we push on to Taupo tomorrow, and leave behind the number one crime center in New Zealand...Later guys


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend Stephen said that the only trouble you can get into in New Zealand is trouble you make for yourself. That doesn't mean you have to seek it out!
Easy on the mountain bikes.


7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lost your clothes huh well could have been worse keep your money and your passport held closely to to your body. maybe duck tape them on.

3:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shitty thing to happen. I'm so sorry Graham.

6:58 AM  

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