Wednesday, November 15, 2006


so whats up guys...know its been a little while, but been settled into a nice regular schedule now...Workouts and errands in the morning, work in the afternoon followed by a good dinner with some drinks and the occasional hookah or tobacco pipe on the balcony (that is about to stop though)....I've played two matches so far, and I'm 1-1, but only one match on the pro team. I play again, however, this saturday on the 1st grade team, which is one level down, but just as competitive...Some teams rotate players between the teams. We had Guy Fawkes day on November 4th. Apparently he tried to blow up parliament in England so we celebrate it with fireworks to commemorate his near success. We bought a big box and lit them off, in very sketchy fashion, from our balcony one drunk evening. My 43 year old boss came over after a match and threw down with us until 3 in the morning. He is such a great guy...a true kiwi. Our next door neighbors were over one night as well. One of them is in the circus. He is a professional juggler who moved into our apartments for the high ceilings....he can do 6 objects, or 5 objects on fire at a time. They practice down below in the park on Tuesday nights, so we watched...its great. I am now in charge of putting together a DVD for our club/tennis program. Troy (boss) has given me full priveleges of putting it together, as well as full compensation. I did some preliminary filming today, but its hard. The 10 year old kids wouldnt stop yelling "vagina" or "tits and cock"....They are far different over here, but you can't help amidst your anger to crack a smile and sometimes lose it all together. I will try to post links of some of the kids on the blog..For now, here are some drunken pics, as well as a couple from playing...later guys