Thursday, January 04, 2007


Merry Christmas and Happy New year. Well we just got back to Auckland from Fiji and Napier. We spent Christmas down in Napier, which is in Hawke's bay. The region is well renowned for its wine. It is also world renowned for Cape Kidnapper's, and absolutely ridiculous golf course barely clinging on to the cliffs above the pacific ocean. The drive into the course alone is an experience....You enter through a private secluded gate and drive 10 kilometers of winding dirt road until you get to the clubhouse. The fairways look like fingers reaching out to the ocean, with big drops on either side of them and the huge drop at the end of them. Fiji was amazing. we stayed 5 days in RakiRaki, which is the north tip of Viti Levu, a 3 hour drive from Nadi Int'l Airport. Driving was an adventure, especially in our diesel stickshift truck. The house was so secluded, we only saw a couple people in our area the whole 5 days, but it was situated around the corner from a nice resort whose facilities we were allowed to use. We celebrated New Years there. I was busy drinking kava, or basically dirt water that numbs your mouth, but it is the national drink, and playing in the band with the natives. It was a good time, but i was strugglin to keep up. We got pretty loaded and did Fijian dances til 3 in the morning or so. I also got a chance to go out to one of the outer islands, which were visible from our pool at our house. They were only a 10 minute boat ride, and the snorkeling was great. Lots of needlefish, blowfish, zebra fish, and about 20 other species I couldn't tell you what they were. The coral was so clean too. The market in town was an adventure. You walk through and get an incredible 3rd world feeling. Natives selling all their own yields on little blankets. It was fun comparing prices and talking. The Indians and the Native Fijians don't get along so well, at least from our perspective. katherine started an argument between two ladies, each of different nationality over some potatoes. The Indians were definetely more of the swindlers and businessment, while the Natives were always just chillin! The problem with them, apparently, is that they own 90% if the Fijian land, so they don't have to do much. They band one night just didn't show up and getting roads or anything else modern put in takes forever. The Indians, as a result, get shafted in Government because they are 35% of the Population while natives are about 60%. Anyway, a beautiful place and an amazing experience...Enjoy the pictures and happy holidays


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Graham. So glad you were with your dear sister over the holidays. Big year of global warming lies ahead. So, enjoy.
Love, Dad

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bula, Graham!

What a great description of our vacation you posted!
Watching you and Kate on New Years Eve was my favorite.
You were great, playing with the Fijian band. Kate was too funny with the broom dance. Do you have any pictures of these memorable moments that you'll be posting? I sure hope so. How about that picture with the Fijian military? Can't wait to see that one. Steve's picture came out pretty well.

I hope you're feeling better now, after seeing the doctor, and that your fever is down. Let me know if you need anything.

Say hi to Shelly and her mom for me.

Love you,


6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gwam! Hope all is well with you- sounds like everything is going great and your busy checking out new adventures and scenes- Your picture of you playing tennis is great-and the picture of the clouds is incredible! Hope your having a great time- Miss you babe- Much Love- Eran xoxo

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He says a shallow face creates shots with more backspin and shorter flight. Masters You know, a football player, you can get two broken hands, they just tape you up and you go play because you can work around them. Tiger Woods is an incredible golfer, probably the best ever. K.

10:22 AM  

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